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Keertana @ Ivy Book Bindings

Hi, I'm Keertana! I am a blogger, student, avid lover of chocolate, and most importantly, a reader. You can follow me for regular reviews, discussion posts, and author interviews on my blog, http://ivybookbindings.blogspot.com. For now, I'm still fairly active on GoodReads, but I can't wait to join the BookLikes community! :)

Currently reading

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
April Genevieve Tucholke
Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock - Matthew Quick I hardly know where to begin with Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock. Suffice to say that this novel is brilliant, beautiful, and heart-breaking. It follows a teenage boy - Leonard Peacock - on his birthday as he chooses to kill another boy in his school and then commit suicide himself, all after giving the few special people in his life gifts to remember him by. As a foray into Quick's works, I can't say this was the happiest of reads, but it made my throat close up in grief and my knuckles fist into my mouth to stop my sobs. It's difficult for me to articulate exactly why this book is so powerful, but Quick manages to capture the mindset of a lonely and hurting teenager perfectly. Moreover, the cast of secondary characters in this novel is stunning in their gray matter and unexpected depth. Leonard, especially, is a character our hearts go out to at once and I loved nothing more than his growth and the realistic, but hopeful, ending of this story. I truly believe this is one that everyone must read, if only to realize the pain that others carry within their hearts and learn to appreciate humanity a little bit more.